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Author Topic: Frame Saw
Ken Hume
Posts: 645
Post Frame Saw
on: September 12, 2014, 07:59

The Frame Saw course held by Running Deer CIC and led by Henry Russell in Devon over the weekend 6/7 September 2014 was a resounding sucess resulting in a group of aspiring green woodworkers and carpenters making 4 medieval style frame saws for use in the hand conversion of timbers in the woodland


The course was attended by Herbert L Russell who was sponsored by The Oxfordshire Woodland Group. Herbert has very kindly donated his completed frame saw to The Oxfordshire Woodland Group for use in the OWG / SOAG experimental Living Woodland Archaeology project where timbers including cruck blades will be converted in a Chilterns saw pit.

Ken Hume Executive Trustee - Oxfordshire Woodland Group

Ken Hume
Posts: 645
Post Re: Frame Saw
on: September 12, 2014, 08:49

The blade for the frame saw was made from recycled circular saw blade blanks where the previous saw teeth had been sheared off.


New teeth were puched out from the saw blade blanks using a punch brake fitted with a rip saw tooth profile die.


The blade was then fited to the frame saw and then the completed saw was put to the test.

A ramped trestle was positioned on a sloping site and a trial log was positioned and secured on the ramp ready for scie-sawing.


Henry Russell took up position as top dog standing on top of the log that was to be ripped.


The finished OWG frame scie-saw was assembled and fine tuned.


The ripping blade is made from a used bandmill sawblade and this was then cleaned and smoothed using emery paper and then oiled to prevent rust.


The medieval style frame saw produced a very fine kerf pattern when used on a short piece of spiral grained english elm that was scie sawn over a trestle.



Ken Hume

Posts: 169
Post Re: Frame Saw
on: January 2, 2016, 08:30

When using the frame solo care has to be taken not to bash the bottom of the saw against the ground when sawing over a trestle as this will damage the side strake tenons.

Controlling saw blade wander is a problem and when considering sawing a long log e.g. say 16ft + then a small deviation at the outset can turn into a major deviation if the saw blade position cannot be corrected. There is some discussion about this on the popular woodworking web forum.

By scie -sawing i.e. ripping the log towards the centre from both ends can effectively halve the length of the log and hence help reduce deviations but also can result in a discontinuity at the "break" point.

Clearly medieval sawyers must have been very skilled and adept at using this type of saw.


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