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Author Topic: Carbon capture & storage
Ken Hume
Posts: 645
Post Carbon capture & storage
on: June 27, 2021, 08:14

Carbon storage in forest duff and sub soil is potentially more than that is locked up in the timber growing on top of same. The volume of the duff (leaves, needles, twigs, etc.) is 6-7 times greater than the volume of standing timber but of a lower density.


The importance of maintaining tree cover, for example by avoiding clear felling, is probably more important than has been previously recognised with this approach helping to provide ground shade thereby helping to reduce the evaporation rate of water from the duff and sub soils.

Ken Hume
Posts: 645
Post Re: Carbon capture & storage
on: October 24, 2021, 13:35

2021 has just topped 2020 as our best growing season for Douglas Fir. It is doubtful that climate change has been the cause since the trees now have much larger crowns which doubtless are able to capture and store more energy to support tree growth

Each tree is now putting on the equivalent of £100 worth of converted timber per annum.


However a thought for consideration :-

Is the increased level of CO2 in the atmosphere encouraging more tree growth ?

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