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Author Topic: Wanted - Sawmill Manager
Ken Hume
Posts: 645
Post Wanted - Sawmill Manager
on: September 15, 2017, 20:47

Woodland Heritage (W H Timber Limited) is seeking to appoint a sawmill manager to run Whitney Sawmills located at Whitney-on-Wye, Herefordshire. Salary £35,000pa + performance bonus.

W H Timber Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Woodland Heritage (registered charity no. 1041611). Whitney Sawmills and Timber Merchants was founded by furniture maker Will Bullough some 25 years ago. W H Timber Limited was incorporated in May 2016 to take over the running of Whitney Sawmills and to demonstrate Woodland Heritage's commitment to run an economic, social and environmentally viable wood supply chain.

Whitney Sawmills needs the leadership of an experienced, hands-on manager, able to run the operations of the business at an annual surplus and guide its development to provide an excellent service to customers and give technical help and expertise to staff and customers. The manager is responsible for employees, implementing employment procedures and Health & Safety on-site.

The successful applicant will have a proven interest, qualifications and / or experience in one or more of the following areas: sawmilling, forestry or timber trades, business, sales and marketing, or environmental sector. An understanding and empathy with the aims and values of Woodland Heritage is a pre-requisite for the future running of the sawmill and its role in education and training.

For a detailed job description and further information or to apply, please send your CV with a covering letter (max 1,000 words) to Woodland Heritage.

Closing date: 25th September 2017. Interviews: 4th October 2017

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