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Author Topic: Felling, Hewing & Japanese hand saw conversion
Ken Hume
Posts: 642
Post Felling, Hewing & Japanese hand saw conversion
on: April 19, 2014, 10:23

Axel Weller and Jack Wheeler teamed up to convert timbers for a traditional building conservation project in Suffolk that featured in Woodland Heritage 2014 (pp 32-35)

Oak trees were felled, hewed and hand sawn on the spot.


Once bucked to length the oak butt was scored and juggled to produce a large rough beam ready for hewing.


The rough beam was then finished hewed to size and finish using a side axe.


Chalk lines were then snapped onto the hewn beam to mark it for saw conversion using a Japanese Maebiki oga (saw).


This is a hand powered saw process that requires sawing first from one side -


- and then the other to ensure that the saw follows the snapped chalk line.


The finished sawn slabs are then ready for use in timber-framing.


This hand sawing process would be ideal for producing cruck blades in the woodland where it would be easy to follow a curved line. This process would produce a very distinctive saw kerf pattern on finished sawn surfaces resembling a herringbone pattern.

The closest modern version of this saw that I have been able to find is the Kobiki Nokigiri and Temagari saws available mail order from Dieter Schmid - Fine Tools in Germany. An article by Adrian Leaman on the use of these saws appeared in the April 2014 edition of the The Bodgers Gazette.

Ken Hume

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