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Author Topic: Woodland Burials / Ashes Scattering
Posts: 169
Post Woodland Burials / Ashes Scattering
on: April 9, 2014, 08:08

With the ever increasing pressure placed on graveyards to provide more spaces for the dearly departed it might make more sense to use woodland sites to scatter the last mortal remains of a loved one's ashes. This leaves no trace on the landscape nor disturbs the soil or damages roots by digging and what better than to plant a tree in the location of the scattering to provide a focal point where one can stop and share a quiet thought about past times and shared lives.

It is also possible to inter ashes in an authorised container however once buried these will require Home Office approval to exhume and relocate and of course this aproach runs the risk of malicious intervention or vandalism to any small markers or mementos placed on top of the burial spot.

Please make sure to ask the woodland owner for permission to scatter or bury ashes since return trips to the site will be likely be required and so having the formal agreement of the landowner to bury or scatter ashes is important especially recognising that landownership does change from time to time hence obtaining a grant of access in perpetuity in exchange for a small fee would appear to be both prudent and reasonable.

Direct woodland burials (i.e. coffin containing non cremated remains) is more difficult since this requires a much more formal and legally prescribed approach. Consult your funeral director for further advice.

If you would like to scatter the ashes of a departed family member in a woodland in Oxfordshire then please post a note here on the forum providing a preferred location for same so that Group members might be able to respond and help you with your request.


Ken Hume
Posts: 645
Post Re: Woodland Burials / Ashes Scattering
on: January 26, 2021, 09:19

Update 2020/21
With the added pressure and restrictions due to Covid19 together with the exhorbitant costs incurred to adopt a standard burial funeral there has been a rise in the use of a new approach to dealing with the last remains of dearly departed persons e.g. Pure Cremations. This is where the departed are picked up from hospital and taken directly to the crematorium where relations can then pick up the last remains for scattering in a place of their choice.

The Oxfordshire Woodland Group can assist families in their time of need by directing families, friends and relations to suitable woodland ashes scattering sites where they can gather outdoors to undertake this last solumn duty.

The Oxfordshire woodland Group is a registered charity and relies on funding received from the public to undertake good works and so The Group would appreciate receiving a donation for the provision of this service.

What could be nicer than to scatter a loved ones ashes where the blue bells grow and then visit them in springtime when these are in flower.


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