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Author Topic: Closure Oxfordshire Woodland Project
Ken Hume
Posts: 645
Post Closure Oxfordshire Woodland Project
on: January 4, 2014, 11:10

The Oxfordshire Woodland Project will close on 17th January 2014.
The OWP has undertaken significant woodland related work in Oxfordshire over the past 30 years having visited and advised the owners of over 500 small woodlands on how to bring these woods back into active management. Unfortunately the Project has now secumbed to the inevitable due to the withdrawal or reduction in the level of funding provided by some of the original contributing local authority partners.

The Trustees of the Oxfordshire Woodland Group would like to thank the Oxfordshire Woodland Project manager - David Rees for all of the important work that he and his predecessor Ken Broad have undertaken in the county.

The Oxfordshire Woodland Group will now be focussing on how they can employ new low cost, efficient and effective ways of promoting the active management of woodlands both in the county and beyond and welcomes approaches by individuals, organisations, local authorities and companies who would like to support our work.

Ken Hume - Executive Trustee - The Oxfordshire Woodland Group

Ken Hume
Posts: 645
Post Re: Closure Oxfordshire Woodland Project
on: January 16, 2014, 20:35

On Thursday 16th January 2014 a who's who in the Oxfordshire Woodland scene gathered in Eynsham, Oxfordshire to say farewell to the Oxfordshire Woodland Project Manager - David Rees


Dr. Robin Buxton - founder of the Oxfordshire Woodland Group gave the assembled body an overview of The Woodland Project's achievements made over nearly 30 years together with an outline of the work remaining to be undertaken by the Group.

Nick Mottram - Manager of the Wytchwood Project presented David with a copy of Peter Savill's recently revised book -


"Silviculture of Trees used in British Forestry" and David's Oxfordshire County Council line Manager Vicky Fletcher thanked David for all the work done by him over the years.

David made his reply in charateristic style thanking all those persons and organisations who have helped maintain him in post over the years.

Ken Hume

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