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Author Topic: Felling & converting tall E. Larch trees
Ken Hume
Posts: 641
Post Felling & converting tall E. Larch trees
on: August 6, 2022, 07:33

A 95ft E. Larch tree was felled and bucked into 56 ft of useable logs that were then extracted to the cruck barn for conversion on the sawmill.


The standing tree had a slight lean and so the heart becomes eccentric towards the top end of the tree.


The logs have been numbered so that reference can be made to each recording the overbark volume together with the volume of timber produced as sarking planks.


The 39 ft top of tree is of no use as timber but will be processed into firewood which given the 2022 energy crisis will have an increased value.


When converted into sarking planks and firewood this tree should generate an overall sales value of about £500.

Ken Hume
Posts: 641
Post Re: Felling & converting tall E. Larch tree
on: August 24, 2022, 22:12

An 85ft European larch tree was felled, measured, bucked to length and extracted from the woodland to the cruck barn for conversion into sarking planks.


The logs were pulled out by hand winching and also by using the Land Rover which on very dry ground provided excellent motive power.


The butt log was calculated to weigh approx 750lbs and the next log 550lbs.

The 3rd and 4th logs remaining to be extracted have been calculated to weigh 420 lbs and 320 lbs respectively. Collectively the 4 saw logs represent 90% of the standing volume of this felled larch tree with the balance of 10% being fire wood.

Ken Hume
Posts: 641
Post Re: Felling & converting tall E. Larch trees
on: August 26, 2022, 20:28

The top 2 E. Larch logs (nos 3 & 4) have now been bucked and extracted to the cruck barn ready conversion to sarking planks.


Ken Hume
Posts: 641
Post Re: Felling & converting tall E. Larch trees
on: September 26, 2022, 11:36

The 95ft European Larch butt log #1 was sawn "thru & thru" to produce 9 off 1" thick planks.


These are wide (max 15" tapering to 12"), blemish free with minimal sapwood and are off boat skin quality.

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