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Author Topic: Woodland Based Career Opportunities
Ken Hume
Posts: 641
Post Woodland Based Career Opportunities
on: September 11, 2012, 07:26

The Oxfordshire Woodland Group are keen to help aspiring woodworkers obtain a foothold on the woodland management / timber utilisation ladder.

Many of the Group members are woodland owners who lack the time / inclination / ability to actively manage and work their woodlands and hence would most probably welcome those actively seeking to pursue wood or woodland based career to play a part in the process of bringing our woodlands back into active management. This might typically include coppice workers, pole lathe turners, shingles makers, tree fellers, hewers, mobile sawyers, carpenters, firewood suppliers, 4x4 + trailer owners, etc.

We would be keen to work with you to develop a forward thinking plan that would help you to become established in your chosen field.

We believe that helping to create and support self made rural based employment opportunities is a very necessary part of woodland and countryside management.

Woodlands are not just for butterflys and hedgehogs !

Ken Hume - OWG Trustee

Posts: 6
Post Re: Woodland Based Career Opportunities
on: July 31, 2013, 23:32

Hi Ken

I have a strong calling to trees and am passionate about possibilities for well managed woodland. I am however a full time employee of a university press in London, and a husband, and father to a 4 year old, and 8 week old baby. I'm nothing more than an interested amateur, but would to be involved in woodland management/ or reinvigorating a small patch of woodland near to where I live (ox10). We currently rent from a local landowner who has a small patch of beech trees (approx 150) which I have been ridding of ivy growth in return for fallen wood for the ever hungry fireplace. There is much neglected woodland nearby but finding out landowners etc is a tricky business. Ideally I'd like to spend a little time doing a small amount if work in return for firewood in the first instance, but I realise as an amateur this is unlikely! Glad to find your website and forum though. Best Wishes, Matthew.

Ken Hume
Posts: 641
Post Re: Woodland Based Career Opportunities
on: August 1, 2013, 08:20

Hi Matthew,

Contrary to what you say above I think that you will find that most woodland owners will be very happy to exchange firewood for labour. If you check out our hedge laying project and tree felling project you will be interested to know that part of the payment for those services rendered was the taking of hawthorn & ash firewood.

You might also be interested to check out the Oxfordshire Woodfuel website which operates a Logs for Labour free firewood scheme.

Let's hope that some woodland owners get in touch with you via this forum.

Ken Hume
Executive Trustee - Oxfordshire Woodland Group

Posts: 6
Post Re: Woodland Based Career Opportunities
on: August 1, 2013, 23:29

Thanks Ken

Posts: 3
Post Re: Woodland Based Career Opportunities
on: January 30, 2014, 20:03

HI Ken sorry for the slow entry on to the site following our correspondence last year. Just found this thread and would be more than happy to help out.

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