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Author Topic: Chair Making
Posts: 1
Post Chair Making
on: April 24, 2013, 17:50

The Windsor chair is of stick and slab construction where the sticks and legs are driven into a solid seat. In the 18th century the sticks and legs were made by itinerant workers known as "Bodgers". These woodland workers bought standing trees from woodland owners in the Chiltern Hills where they camped to work the timbers into chair components using simple tools like pole lathes, draw knife, froe, beetle, wedge, etc.


The finished produce was then sold at Windsor market to London furniture makers who would then assemble and finish the chairs hence the name "Windsor" chair.


I welcome enquiries for chair making commissions. Chairs can be made from a choice of different traditional timber species like ash, beech, yew, elm, cherry and to a size and finish to suit each customer. All of our timber is supplied on a fully sustainable basis from an Oxfordshire Woodland Group member's woodland located in The Chiltern Hills. All chairs are made using only hand tools though we do confess to using electricity to power our steam bender and also to make the occasional cup of tea !

I very much welcome enquiries from those persons wishing to learn the art of chair bodging and this can be taught at our workshop located in North Hampshire or at different locations by prior arrangement.

Derrick Dunthorne

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