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Author Topic: Black Locust [Robinia]
Posts: 169
Post Black Locust [Robinia]
on: July 7, 2014, 09:06

The black locust tree [Robinia] originates from east Coast America and is a highly durable and strong timber even more so than English oak and traditionally has been used for making fences and other cleft wood products that are in direct contact with the ground. The tree illustrated is acting as a host to Misletoe.


An example of this type of usage can be seen in a child's playpark climbing frame. The logs used have been peeled and sapwood removed using a draw knife.


The frame is joined together using metal connectors.


Black Locust is a fast growing ring porous hardwood with logs reaching useable proportions within 30 years in a fashion similar to Sweet Chestnut. Black Locust splinters can cause septic wounds and so it's somewhat surprising to see this timber used for a child's climbing frame where intimate contact with bare skin is the norm.


Because the timber is used in roundwood form it is not surprising that large radial checks are opening up due to rapid drying. Ring shake is also evident.


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