To lift the Harcourt Arboretum cruck frames into position a set of shear legs were made on site to perform this task.
First the shear legs were laid out and marked up ready for cutting a lap joint at the apex.

The lap joints were then chopped out using an axe to quickly rough out the joint.

The joint was fixed and held together using lag screws.

The lower tie was nailed to the shear legs to prevent spreading of the legs.

The assembled shear legs were then rolled over into position.

The final position of the shear legs was adjusted by hand.

A lifting / guy rope (blue line) was fixed to the shear legs apex to pull it up into its lifting position along with the pulley blocks and rope that will be used to hoist the cruck frames.

Going up.

Still going up.

Nearly there.

Final position ready for lifting.

Block and tackle attached to the cruck frame and ropes pulled taught ready for lifting.
Ken Hume ET OWG