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Author Topic: Economic Harvesting of Small Woodlands
Posts: 169
Post Economic Harvesting of Small Woodlands
on: July 17, 2012, 13:40


I am seeking advice on how to economically harvest and then either use or sell Douglas Fir, Eurpean Larch and Western Red Cedar trees growing in my woodland in South Oxfordshire.

Info ? Ideas ? Advice ? Proposals ? Joint venture ?



Posts: 1
Post Re: Economic Harvesting of Small Woodlands
on: August 21, 2012, 21:49

I would be interested to hear if you get anywhere with this. There is quite a bit of WRC and larch in the woodland that I am associated that we want to thin to benefit the oaks in the same stand. Wondering about how we might go about it on a smallish scale..
Lucie Mayer

Posts: 169
Post Re: Economic Harvesting of Small Woodlands
on: August 22, 2012, 21:43

Hi Lucie,

I think that we have made some progress this week on this topic. The answer probably lies in felling and conversion of softwood trees in the woodland either by cleaving / hewing or using a mobile sawmill.

For cleaving check out Alex Moir's website at http://www.cleftwood.com where he converts mainly oak and chestnut into cleft products or alternatively see Steve Roberts mobile sawmilling website at http://www.straightfromthewoods.co.uk where he is converting mainly larch and some oak using a Lucas mill.

I am currently trying to arrange a meeting with Steve to see his mill in action and if other group members were interested then possibly we could all make a visit to see a demonstration of both approaches.

Depending on your location it might also be possible to "team up" and arrange to help each other fell, cut to length and move trees within the woodland. It would be especially rewarding if we could encourage more OWG members to become proactive in managing their woodlands and especially sharng knowledge and resources to achieve the common good.

In which part of the county is your woodland located ?



Posts: 169
Post Re: Economic Harvesting of Small Woodlands
on: October 1, 2014, 16:04

I met up with Steve Roberts at his woodland and was especially to be able to see his Lucas mill in action sawing up timbers for a customer who was making a garden shed. Steve fells his own larch trees and then converts them in his woodland into beams, planks and studs for use in fencing, shedmaking and timber building repairs.


He uses an 8" circular saw portable Lucas mill that can achieve outstanding and very quick conversion of logs to timber.


The mill makes a horizontal cut and then a vertical cut to make 2 sides of a beam -


- and then makes a series of parallel vertical cuts to produce planks.


The planks and studs leave the woodland on top of an Ifor Williams trailer pulled by a 4 wheel drive Land Rover


This portable mill was purchased with the aid of a Chiltern's "Leader" grant and this is an excellent way to encourage woodland owners to actively manage their woodland on a continuous cover forestry basis enabling the owner to add value to felled trees by producing timber for local consumption on a fully sustainable basis.


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