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Author Topic: Brake
Ken Hume
Posts: 641
Post Brake
on: August 6, 2015, 18:08

A brake is a useful device that can act like a giant clamp or vice. Into this device a long piece of wood like a fence post or split lath can be inserted and held whilst the wood worker steers a split, removes bark or saws a piece of timber.


The break illustrated was put together by The Stratfield Saye Bodgers using sweet chestnut poles.


Because the brake is partially buried in the ground like a fence post its important to employ a good durable wood like sweet chestnut, european larch, western red cedar, oak, etc with the proviso that all sap wood is removed and where necessary a protective coating (creosote) applied to the lower ends of the posts buried in the ground.


The members can be held together by creating a flat surface at mating faces and then drilling and securing the members together with bolt headed wood screws.




Full advantage has been taken of a branch outcrop to provide a positive shoulder to rest the top rail upon.


Ken Hume

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