Woodland owners might not be fully aware that certain building development is permitted inside woodlands that does not require planning permission.
In the first instance it is worth making reference to Statutory Instrument No 418 of The Town and Country Planning Act for England and Wales where the full extent and exact details of what is allowed are clearly defined.
Some Changes changes were made to Permitted Develpment Rights to speed up and simplify the process in 2013.
Though certain building developments are permitted without needing planning permission it is still necessary to submit a Prior Notification to the local planning authority in order that they can confirm that full planning permission is not required.
Should new access or roads be required from the woodland onto the public highway then this also can be done using Prior Notification for New Roads or Access under permitted development rights.
The Council does offer a permitted development pre application advice service.
A fee is payable with this submission.
Before making a permitted development submission it is worth validating the notification.
Good luck with your permitted development and please feed back your experiences with the planning authority.
Ken Hume - OWG Trustee